Author Archive

February 2012

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

I at last got Richard (son number two) to talk me through getting a new password and back on site. Sorry if anyone has been looking for news but maybe no one has!

Since Mike died nearly two years ago I have been going to dances on my own. At the ones run by my dance school I get few dances as everyone has a partner, but I also go to Jim’s Candlelight dances at the Corn Exchange in Exeter and this is good. Jim and his partner, Trish, encourage single dancers and put on a really good evening. Last night I came away half an hour early, at 11pm, as my feet hurt too much to manage any more.

This week I have danced six days running! Two days helping out at dance class with a beginner, one morning Latin in Line dance class, two social dances (Friday and Saturday) and Sunday night formation dance practice. I try and either dance, swim or walk each day but the last two have suffered this week.

Last weekend Richard hired two eco cabins from a conservation place and invited 38 of us for two nights. It was great fun with lots of young children and at first I felt very much the old lady but everyone soon put me at my ease and of course Richard was there as well as my other son, David, and his family.

When Mike died I decided that I had to fill my time better so I joined lots of things. I now edit the local Talking Newspaper once every six weeks and read for it also once every six weeks. I joined the local ladies group that meets once a month and the drama club. Of course I got voted onto the committee of the latter and am their Production Secretary. I go to Weight Watchers once a week (and am gradually getting slimmer, thank goodness), dance a lot and go to church and see family too. I was helping out occasionally at the RNLI shop and also at a work club run by my church but I have given both of those up, due to lack of time. Just recently I have been asked if I should like to join the local Rotarians and I am still thinking about that. I have also started a Book Club for fellow dancers, where we all read the same book and then meet to discuss it and natter generally.

Sometimes I find time to feed and stroke my two cats!

Unfortunately still no ice skating as there is no rink nearby. I rather lost interest once my excellent instructor, Shane Leigh, gave up. Otherwise I should probably still be living in Yorkshire instead of lovely Devon.

Should any man read this who lives near Exeter and is looking for a dance partner please get in  touch. Well, one can always hope!

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Mike planned his own funeral and it may sound odd but it was a lovely send-off. Both his son and I managed a tribute and I read the lesson. My nephew, Paul, took the service. Lots and lots of friends and relatives attended and many came back to our home afterwards.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us. I am convinced that this was why he lived so much longer than the oncologists predicted.

We had less than four years together but the time was very precious. As I said in my tribute: ‘he rescued me from sadness’ after Alan’s death.

Very few women have the love of two wonderful men in their lives. I have been blessed.

Sad news

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

Sadly, my partner of nearly four years died on Monday 26 April. The funeral will be at 3.30pm on Friday 7 May at the Exeter crematorium.

It’s about time

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

I haven’t edited my webpage in many years, but my son Richard has kindly installed this blogging software so I should be able to update it myself much more regularly 🙂